I painted this over several days, with a long break in between for Christmas commissions and then for other work that came up. I started with an hour-long study in pencil, and measured that up against a photograph to check
I painted this over several days, with a long break in between for Christmas commissions and then for other work that came up. I started with an hour-long study in pencil, and measured that up against a photograph to check
The past couple of weeks have mostly been spent wrestling with vectors, laser cutters, and a recalcitrant computer that needed a new hard drive. I have successfully learned to deal with or get around at least two of those things.
The past couple of weeks have mostly been spent wrestling with vectors, laser cutters, and a recalcitrant computer that needed a new hard drive. I have successfully learned to deal with or get around at least two of those things.
Or, what I did on my holidays Over the end of last year I was very busy with a Christmas rush, and then it quietened down in January and February. Having nothing to write about art, I’ve decided to expand
Or, what I did on my holidays Over the end of last year I was very busy with a Christmas rush, and then it quietened down in January and February. Having nothing to write about art, I’ve decided to expand
The last design day for the cards involved cutting blanks as for the pip cards, ruling rectangles into them, and then drawing each design. I did that in pencil and then went over it with Indian ink, to get a
The last design day for the cards involved cutting blanks as for the pip cards, ruling rectangles into them, and then drawing each design. I did that in pencil and then went over it with Indian ink, to get a
Card Design, to send to client for approval. Click through for bigger images:
Card Design, to send to client for approval. Click through for bigger images:
I have a commission in for a set of hand made Tudor-age playing cards for use by a re-enactor with a high-class persona. Essentially, these will be a prop to show the public, as well as a useable deck. They
I have a commission in for a set of hand made Tudor-age playing cards for use by a re-enactor with a high-class persona. Essentially, these will be a prop to show the public, as well as a useable deck. They
I recently persuaded a friend to sit for me for several days while I tried out painting techniques. She was writing, which meant she had her eyes down, but she was still enough that I could get a good likeness
I recently persuaded a friend to sit for me for several days while I tried out painting techniques. She was writing, which meant she had her eyes down, but she was still enough that I could get a good likeness