As Christmas approached, I managed to get a commission for an introduction made by a client, and in the process nearly pulled off the finest practical joke in my history of slow-burn amusement. Last year, a certain beloved client of
As Christmas approached, I managed to get a commission for an introduction made by a client, and in the process nearly pulled off the finest practical joke in my history of slow-burn amusement. Last year, a certain beloved client of
Over the summer, I was screwing up the courage to ask someone I followed on Twitter for pictures of their dog for me to paint as my own project. Lilly was a white-faced collie with one blue and one brown
Over the summer, I was screwing up the courage to ask someone I followed on Twitter for pictures of their dog for me to paint as my own project. Lilly was a white-faced collie with one blue and one brown
The last design day for the cards involved cutting blanks as for the pip cards, ruling rectangles into them, and then drawing each design. I did that in pencil and then went over it with Indian ink, to get a
The last design day for the cards involved cutting blanks as for the pip cards, ruling rectangles into them, and then drawing each design. I did that in pencil and then went over it with Indian ink, to get a
Card Design, to send to client for approval. Click through for bigger images:
Card Design, to send to client for approval. Click through for bigger images: