I’ve been quiet lately, for work and for other work, and here is the result of something I’ve been doing in my spare time. I built a drawing machine. It essentially draws a really complicated graph, just like the
I’ve been quiet lately, for work and for other work, and here is the result of something I’ve been doing in my spare time. I built a drawing machine. It essentially draws a really complicated graph, just like the
One of my commissions this year was a gift for a couple who live in Ely, and the Cathedral is the obvious choice. For those who don’t know, it’s an ancient gothic hulk that has been in danger of sinking
One of my commissions this year was a gift for a couple who live in Ely, and the Cathedral is the obvious choice. For those who don’t know, it’s an ancient gothic hulk that has been in danger of sinking
Over the summer, I was screwing up the courage to ask someone I followed on Twitter for pictures of their dog for me to paint as my own project. Lilly was a white-faced collie with one blue and one brown
Over the summer, I was screwing up the courage to ask someone I followed on Twitter for pictures of their dog for me to paint as my own project. Lilly was a white-faced collie with one blue and one brown
The last design day for the cards involved cutting blanks as for the pip cards, ruling rectangles into them, and then drawing each design. I did that in pencil and then went over it with Indian ink, to get a
The last design day for the cards involved cutting blanks as for the pip cards, ruling rectangles into them, and then drawing each design. I did that in pencil and then went over it with Indian ink, to get a
Recently I have had some very busy days – commissions coming in for Christmas have surprised me. This is my second year as a professional artist, and apparently people liked my work enough last year that they are coming back.
Recently I have had some very busy days – commissions coming in for Christmas have surprised me. This is my second year as a professional artist, and apparently people liked my work enough last year that they are coming back.
Following on from last year’s triumphant sales (enough to buy Christmas presents and gin) I will be selling Angry Reindeers once more. If you have a Christmas list of people who understand the quirky, have a spiky sense of humour,
Following on from last year’s triumphant sales (enough to buy Christmas presents and gin) I will be selling Angry Reindeers once more. If you have a Christmas list of people who understand the quirky, have a spiky sense of humour,
Of late, I have been watercolouring away, and here are a few of the highlights.
Of late, I have been watercolouring away, and here are a few of the highlights.