Today, the towel had to be brought up to a decent level of completion. I went back through my notes and found that I had used viridian, a cool blue, and white on the far part, with a few warmer
Today, the towel had to be brought up to a decent level of completion. I went back through my notes and found that I had used viridian, a cool blue, and white on the far part, with a few warmer
Today’s work was the face once more. I had intended to get to the top layer of paint, but a few factors got in the way.
Today’s work was the face once more. I had intended to get to the top layer of paint, but a few factors got in the way.
Artists: how do you set up your palette? Non-artists, do you have a painting habit with plates or pots?
Artists: how do you set up your palette? Non-artists, do you have a painting habit with plates or pots?
Fun with non-metallic metallics Today’s painting was all about putting metal into the painting. Real metal paints would reflect badly and look flat; the painting, as in a photograph, has to represent the shine of metal without itself shining. There
Fun with non-metallic metallics Today’s painting was all about putting metal into the painting. Real metal paints would reflect badly and look flat; the painting, as in a photograph, has to represent the shine of metal without itself shining. There
For several months, I have been glazing a copy of a Vermeer painting, made famous by a film. I shall now expand that sentence. Glazing is putting on thin layers of paint, with a lot of carrier and comparatively little
For several months, I have been glazing a copy of a Vermeer painting, made famous by a film. I shall now expand that sentence. Glazing is putting on thin layers of paint, with a lot of carrier and comparatively little
Today was a comparatively short day on the turtle – I did not have to add any details, and it was just coloured blocks. I went back to the original sketch, and found that I had one of the flippers
Today was a comparatively short day on the turtle – I did not have to add any details, and it was just coloured blocks. I went back to the original sketch, and found that I had one of the flippers
At some point I was going to have to tackle the tiling. Today was the day. Tiles, in general, go on in straight lines, and the human eye-brain combo is good at checking that lines are straight. It is also
At some point I was going to have to tackle the tiling. Today was the day. Tiles, in general, go on in straight lines, and the human eye-brain combo is good at checking that lines are straight. It is also